CCSC will be closed Wednesday, May 1, for building maintenance and staff training. We will reopen May 2.

What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?

For over 40 years, CCSC has served people struggling to cope with the crises of poverty: those who are hungry, facing eviction, and dealing with unemployment. A legacy gift is one of the most impactful ways you can support Christian Community Service Center and its mission to help alleviate the effects of poverty in central and southwest Houston. A gift to CCSC in your will means your values of service, compassion, and care for our neighbors in need continues to live on for generations.

Benefits of Bequest Gifts

Almost anyone can make this type of gift
You do not have to be wealthy to make a charitable bequest that will make a positive difference in our community. Gifts of all sizes will ensure CCSC can continue serving families in need.
Makes a lasting impact for organization sustainability
Bequest gifts to CCSC go to our Endowment, which supports all of CCSC’s mission and programs. An investment in our Memorial Endowment means your gift will grow over time and make a positive impact in the lives of Houstonians for generations.
Has the potential to lower the tax burden on your family
Charitable giving through your estate has the potential to lessen the tax burden on your heirs while also establishing your legacy. We encourage you to work with an experienced attorney to learn more so you can accomplish your goals for your estate.

CCSC Legacy Society

The CCSC Legacy Society is a group of dedicated donors who choose to leave a personal legacy by making a gift to CCSC in their will. If you plan to make a future gift to CCSC, we’d love to thank you by welcoming you to this special group. To join, simply let us know about your charitable bequest.
  • Give us a call at 713-961-3993 x306
  • Email Chief Advancement Officer Lauren Niemeyer at
  • Or write us at:
    Christian Community Service Center
    P.O. Box 27924
    Houston, TX 77227


Remembering CCSC in your will is a wonderful way for you to make a lasting impact. Large or small, your bequest will make a meaningful contribution to our long-term strength and will help current and future generations of Houstonians facing poverty.

A surprising number of people–even those with substantial assets–never get around to this essential task. However, creating (or updating) an estate plan is among the most important things you can do to provide for your loved ones and make a gift that reflects your values. Without a will, the laws of your state determine how your estate is divided, which may not be according to your wishes. To create your will, reach out to a qualified estate attorney or access an online resource such as

Yes! All it takes is a short phone call or meeting with your lawyer. Be sure to include our full legal name and federal tax ID number in your bequest.

Legal name: Christian Community Service Center, Inc.

Current Address: P.O. Box 27924, Houston, TX 77227

Tax ID number: 74-2128141

There are several ways to define the amount of your charitable gift to CCSC, including:

  • A gift of a particular amount of money
  • A gift of a particular percentage of your estate
  • A residuary bequest, which is a gift from the remainder of your estate once all other bequests, debts and taxes have been paid

We are happy to provide you with Sample Bequest Language to assist you and your attorney. You have complete control over your bequest and can make changes to your will at any time.

Forever! Legacy gifts support CCSC’s Memorial Endowment, which funds CCSC’s entire mission and programs and grows over time. A legacy gift to CCSC enables your values to live on for generations.

Absolutely not. The choice to tell us the amount of your gift is entirely up to you. But, we do appreciate knowing you have left a gift in your will to CCSC so we can thank you and make sure we know your wishes. If you prefer to join the CCSC Legacy Society anonymously, that is fine too.

Yes! The Legacy Society welcomes and honors donors who have made any kind of future commitment to CCSC. For example, you might decide to make CCSC a designated beneficiary of:

  • A life insurance policy
  • An IRA or other retirement plan
  • Savings bonds
  • A charitable trust
  • A specific bank account, or a brokerage or other financial account

Letting us know about your estate plans is always up to you. However, we’d love the opportunity to thank you and keep you updated on our work. Once you have added CCSC to your estate plans, you can let us know by:

Meet Paul and Carolyn

"Leave every place better than when you came."
Paul and Carolyn Meyer live by a simple yet powerful principle, "leave every place better than when you came," and that is exactly what they are doing at Christian Community Service Center.

Paul grew up in Gloversville, NY, the son of a hardworking entrepreneur who ran a leather tanning business. Paul learned heartfelt appreciation for each individual, empathy for the needs of all, and unfailing dedication to church and community from his family. It was Paul’s father who emphasized the virtue of charity through the idea of "leaving every place better than when you came."

Carolyn was raised in the Mississippi Delta area, and as the daughter of a football coach she moved frequently. Being the new girl taught Carolyn to be resilient, social and adaptable. When Carolyn’s father was diagnosed with leukemia her family lost a valuable piece of its tightly woven tapestry but found an outpouring of grace from others who served her family. Later in life, Carolyn took many opportunities to give back and serve others.

Carolyn and Paul became acquainted with CCSC through St. Luke’s United Methodist Church and have supported CCSC’s mission for over 30 years. The Meyers are a part of the CCSC Legacy Society, whose members seek to leave a legacy gift that will help CCSC continue its mission for years to come. The Meyers’ legacy gift fulfills their personal mission of "leaving [CCSC] better than when they came," and leaving each person who receives services better than when they entered CCSC’s doors.
Feeding Hunger, Fostering Hope, Furthering Success
P.O. Box 27924, Houston,
Texas 77227
3434 Branard St,
Houston, TX 77027
Copyright © 2024 Christian Community Services Center
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